Dear Dr. Olga,
I appreciate very much our class discussions in comparative study in educational system . I would like to thank you for discussing K+12 Curriculum. It enhanced my understanding about this hot issue .It’s really a high time to change the curriculum because it has plenty of evidences for it’s curriculum dysfunction . Like the result of National Achievement Test , the jobless Filipinos and the deteriorating of Filipino culture and values. As educators commented about the congested curriculum, inadequate preparation of High School, mismatch to labor and economic market. Mostly, our college graduates don’t have the avenue for jobs. They could not be easily hired abroad because of the age . Graduates in the Philippines are too young compared to the standard of world market. The Basic Education program affect much the human development of Filipino children K+12 years means Kindergarten, 6 years of elementary and 6 years secondary.
Being enrolled in this subject is a beneficial one. I am updated with the current issues as far as DepED is concerned and it’s a great avenue to express my experiences , knowledge and abilities that in one way or the another learning takes place . I would also be continuously learning from others especially to you Dr. Olga. I would like to recognize you effort in uploading the educational videos .The stories really inspired me and made me reflect which I also shared to other School Principals and I believe could change one's perspective knowingly and unknowingly. I know that we will continue to become innovative partners of society in quest for quality education.
God bless you and your family always!
Linda D. Saab
I'm happy that you appreciated the proposed K+12 as a means to improve the Philippine Educational System... Let us help in "selling" the idea of change.