Korea is situated in the territory of South East Asia while United Kingdom is located in the North Western Coast in Europe. What makes their educational system
comparable? What are the differences between the two? Let me count the ways….
Both of their education is compulsory and administered by the Ministry of Education. In the United Kingdom, their educational structure is divided into 4 main parts: Primary ranges from (5 to 7 )&(7 to 11), Secondary and further Education from (11 to 16).Students are given assessment at the end of each stage. The most important assessment occurs at age 16 when students pursue General Certificate of Secondary Education. Once the students completed their GCSE they have the choice to go to further studies education and their potential higher education or finish school and go to work.
The educational system in United Kingdom observes an Entry Requirements. Each level of education in the UK has varying requirements which must be satisfied in order to gain entry at the level-learner .
Their curriculum is packed with the guidance and tools to help school designs a curriculum that inspires and challenges all their learners. It sets out the knowledge and skills that are important to their children to become successful learner, confident individual, and respectful citizen. The subjects offered are Art and Design, Citizenship, Designs and Technology, Geography, History,Information and Communication technology Modern foreign Languages and Politics. More or less the subjects offered in their curriculum has some similarities to the Philippine education
On the other hand, in Korea the subjects consist of Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Fine Arts, English, P.E and Korean .
The structure of their education is Primary ,Secondary and Middle Schools. The students in the secondary are given assessment based on his level of education. In the middle school it consist of the three grades ; this marks considerable shift from elementary school, with students expected to take studies and school much more seriously. Most middle school students take six lessons a day; Math,English, Korean, Social Studies, Science as the core subjects. Just like in the Philippines classes are from Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays are activity time.
If I am in the position to assess which of the curriculum between the two which is superior than other ,it’s the United Kingdom.
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