Dear Professor,
It was rich discussion last meeting. I was excited to learn the educational system of the country called the “Sleeping Giant”- the China. I learned that most of their men in China go to school than their women. Unlike Philippines, women are more zealous to come to school even if they are already married. Even after finishing bachelor’s degree, more women still go to school to continue post graduate study.
China like Japan, they also have a compulsory education for 9 years. In fact, they made it as a law which took effect on July 1, 1986. I remember this was also the date when Cory Aquino took place as a president and during her regime, free education was also given to the Filipino people and until now the Filipino people are still enjoying free education from pre school to high school but unlike China it wasn’t compulsory, but they have EFA 2015 education for all in 2015 for all Filipino.
China’s basic education is somewhat like the Philippines, they have preschool – 3-6 age, elementary 6-12 years old, Junior high school 12-15 and senior high school 15- 18, Philippines has only 4 years in high school then students can proceed college or universities after finishing high school but the new president, Pnoy, K+12 will be implemented this school’s opening where in kinder plus 12 years in Basic education.’ 6 years in elementary and 6 years in high school which is before is only 4 years.
Like the Philippines, China also has special education created for special children. They also have vocational and technical schools like TESDA in Philippines. China also have scholarship grants and loan system in order to aid students who aspire to finish schooling. In the Philippines, scholarship is also given. My daughter Cindy, is one of the recipients of ESC grant of the government from first year to fourth year high school and now she is about to graduate and I hope she can also get a PESFA college scholarship grant to continue her higher education.
China is also aspiring to have the best and quality schools but financial constraints. They spent a lot for science and technology, study research and study abroad. Funding is not enough for other educational needs. The same also with the other countries, particularly Philippines plus corruption is over riding.
I believed that good education does not only confined in good facilities, advance technologies but teachers’ development and having quality teachers are one of the big factors to be considered because they are the carrier of the good education. It is good to know that China is giving emphasis to their teachers who will and mold children for the future. Teacher factor is really important. Teacher hiring should be screened and tightened rather than hiring whom and not what you know teacher applicants. This is really a big problem when we compromise quality the end result is not good. All suffer because of few vested interest.
With all these, I realized that no matter how beautiful the system is, if it is not well implemented is a waste of time, a waste of money and a waste of effort for the concerned persons who strive hard to carry through the goals because it will never succeed. Everyone must work together to achieve such success.
My due respect to you doc, thank you! God Bless!
Bernadette Edago- Calvo
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