There is a saying that I always can remember because as I remembered it, I also remember my mother. Why? My mother was a high school teacher also teaching physics. She is with our creator now and may her soul rest in peace. As I recall, yearly she always replaced her classroom decorations and sayings but, this only saying is always changed only in color or style of lettering or the other side of the wall. It says, “An educated man is like a bamboo, the taller it grows, the lower it bends“. Then she lets us read the sayings and explained to us the meaning of it.
Today, that saying is true to the goal of education, EFA which means education for all. If only everybody, every parent will take this to heart that every child and individual needs to be educated, needs to know how to read and write, on how to comprehend and relate it to their present routines. Maybe this world would be a better place to live because everyone will think first what would be the effect of his/her action before doing it. According to the saying the more a person know, the more he/she would understand his/her surroundings, the events, the happenings, the more he/she would avoid feud and misunderstanding.
Mother Teresa said, “Few of us can do great things, but all of us can do small things with great love.” As a teacher we can do small things for our students that would lead them to greatness in their future life but we should do it with love and compassion.
Being educated especially finishing a course and landing a job really can reduce poverty. As I again reminisce my past, my family were not rich. I have two brothers and two sisters and my parents worked in the government. Their works were the source of our income and basic needs and what sustained us in our education. My parents always told us that we should finish our education so that we could have a good future and could support the family that we will be building in the future. Now, what they said are all true. We have each our work in the government now, and even if our economy is unstable but we could still buy the basic necessities. I truly believe that EFA could reduce, diminished and in the future eliminate poverty in our country.
In my own perception, I know that everyone has a talent, a skill that he/she could use for building his/her future. I learned that talent is what many people assume it is a special gift given only to a handful of people. Everyone has talent, the natural predispositions that make each of us particularly effective in the field we choose. When this recurrent pattern of thinking, feeling and behaviour is applied to the right role, superior performance is generated.The trick is to find that role in which talents can be put to their best use and especially if the individual is educated then the more that not only he could benefit from his talent but also the people that surrounds him. Education plus talent equals to superior performance and reduction of poverty.
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