“OneVoice, One Nation” is the spirit that binds the international community to basic education commitments during the International Consultative Forum on Education for All (EFA) in April 2,000 in Dakar ,Senegal. Different sectors, educators, organizations,different associations, world representatives, governments, and even the world bank pledge to support the goals and targets of EFA by 2015.The group unites a common belief that education is a fundamental human right. It is the key to sustainable development , peace and stability within and among countries and thus an indispensable means for effective participation in the societies and economies of the 21st century .After knowing that through the EFA assessments in 2000, that there has been 113 million children have no access to primary education and 880 million adults are illiterate this become a concern for it affects rapid globalization.
The Education for All (EFA) was first launched in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990 to
bring the benefits of education to “every citizen in every society.” National
governments, civil society groups, and development agencies like UNESCO and the
World Bank are part of the commitment.
Our country Philippines participates and commits also on Education for all (EFA)
and it dwells on the vision that by 2015, the Philippinesis an educated nation
where citizens are functionally literate. Functional literacy is considered as
the ability to communicate, to solve problem, to sustainably use resources, to
develop oneself, and to have a broad perspective about the world.
The following are the aim, Production task and Enabling task
* Universal coverage of out-of-school youths and adults in the provision
of basic learning needs. All persons who failed to acquire the essential
competence to be functionally literate in their native tongue, in Filipino,
and in English.
* Universal school participation and elimination of drop-outs and
repetition in first three grades. All children aged six should enter school
ready to learn and prepared to achieve the required competencies for Grades
1 to 3.
* Universal completion of the full cycle of basic education schooling with
satisfactory achievement levels by all at every grade or year.
* Total community commitment to attainment of basic education competencies
for all: Every community should mobilize all its social, political,
cultural and economic resources and capabilities to support the universal
attainment of basic education competencies in Filipino and English.
* Production Tasks
* Make every school continuously perform better.
* Make expansion of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) coverage
to yield more EFA benefits.
* Transform non-formal and informal interventions into an alternative
learning system (ALS) yielding more EFA benefits.
* Promote practice of high quality teaching.
* Adopt a 12-year program for formal basic education to the existing
10-year basic education schooling.
* Accelerate articulation, enrichment, development of the basic education
curriculum in the context of the pillars of new functional literacy.
* Enabling Tasks
-Provide adequate and stable public funding for country-wide attainment of EFA
-Create a network of community-based groups for local attainment of EFA goals.
-Monitor progress in efforts towards attainment of EFA goals. Of particular
importance is the development and implementation of indicators of “quality
These visions of EFA in the Philippines on aims, production task and enabling
task will not only make our country competitive globally but it will increase
the target performance of every school such as 100% promotion rate, o% retention
rate, as well as 0% drop-out rate and others and through the K+12 model which
the Deped is determined to enact makes EFA on SY1215 comes to reality
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