Being enrolled in this subject made me feel ahead, inspired and excited every meeting with our professor. Why? Because I knew the latest and hottest news in education. Just like this K+12, some teachers do not comprehend what is this all about and in my own way I made them see some light about this. Wow! And it made me looked forward to know from our professor the current trend and issues in education, it made me feel more knowledgeable about new updates in education than my colleagues. It gave me additional knowledge that I before, was not aware about it being implemented.
Just last week, I heard one of my co teacher said that next year UBD or understanding by design will not be used anymore because it will be replaced by K+12. I asked him nicely, where did he got the idea? He said because it would be replaced by the K+12. I smiled at them then calmly and humbly explained to them what I know about K+12 and after awhile they nodded their heads, and asked how come I knew about it, and then I said because of Dr. Olga Alonsabe, that I am under her subject Comparative studies. I also said that UBD is another matter because UBD is an approach while K+12 is about the years in Basic Education to be followed by every school and the curriculum is SEC or the secondary Education Curriculum. I added further that as what I have heard the training for the second year teachers this coming summer will push through, and then the following school year the second year will be using the SEC curriculum and the UBD approach. I know, by looking at their faces that they were enlightened a little about the two.
It is not really easy to grasp immediately these changes, even I, at the beginning, when I heard these because there was no information dissemination about it in our school. Another maybe is because the change will take effect slowly and informing everybody should be done in the right time with the right time frame.
Truly upon learning all about these from our sharing and topics discussed under Dr. Alonsabe, I can say that I am now a “renewed teacher” because I have a full knowledge about K+12 that some teachers, parents, administrators are still lifting their brows and in doubt what is it. But whatever knowledge I have about this, I am also glad to share with my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and parents so that they will understand the relevance why this is happening in our educational system and why there is an additional 2 years as senior high school or in our basic education system..
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